Kiersten White: Paranormalcy
Title: Paranormalcy Author: Kiersten White Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Publisher: Harper Teen Evie is 16 and can identify paranormal beings on sight – she can see through their glamors to the creature underneath. She’s working for the IPCA, the International Paranormal Containment Agency, who found her as a child when she screamed at the sight…
Rebecca Maizel: Infinite Days
Title: Infinite Days Author: Rebecca Maizel Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Publisher: St. Martin’s Press Lenah Beaudonte is a 592 year old vampire whose greatest wish is to become human again. Rhode, her lover and maker, sacrifices himself to allow her to regain her humanity. Alone and in her 16-year-old body, Lenah begins to discover the…
Julie Kagawa: The Iron King
Title: The Iron King Author: Julie Kagawa Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Publisher: Harlequin Teen Even with all the great press this book got, I almost passed on it as I’m just not crazy about the fey. I’m really glad I didn’t, as this is one of my favorite books of the year so far. The…
Meyer/Kim: Twilight the Graphic Novel, Volume 1
Being a huge fan of Twilight the book and not being a huge fan of Twilight the movie, I had mixed feelings when I heard that a graphic novel was in the works. It is possible to have too much of a good thing, especially when the supplemental materials to the original “good thing” aren’t…
Crumpler, and Why I Love It
When I think about taking my camera with me, sometimes I cringe. Do I really want to bring my camera THERE? What if something happens to it? The solution to these fears is having a really great camera bag. For me that means a bag that will keep my camera safe but at the same…
My New Toy
Yesterday afternoon I finally went out and got a new Canon EOS 50D. I decided to go with the kit EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM lens as it was only an additional $200 (the lens sells on it’s own for around $450), and I could use an updated zoom. The lens is heavy, but the…