Happy Friday!
Need some furry cuteness to kick off your weekend? Check out the Furry Friday group on Flickr for some cute and furry fun. Have a great and restful weekend everyone!
Warm Feelings on a Cold Night
It started snowing around 8 am this morning and it’s still coming down – we’ve got about 4 inches so far. But soon the snow will stop and with the clear skies will come the cold temperatures. By cold I mean that the highs for the next few days MIGHT make it over 0 by…
This morning I had the full intention of getting out and getting my photo assignment done, and going for a nice long bike ride. However, there was this little furry person who really didn’t like that idea. He’s decided to hold me down with force by laying down on me every time I sit down.…
In black and white
While I’m hoping to find a Canon EOS 50D under the Christmas tree, I’m currently making use of my Digital Elph and my Rebel 2000 35mm cameras as best I can. I started my black and white film photography course last night and, even though I’ve owned the camera for years, I learned for the…
Snow Lake
We had a rare warm day today, so Jim, Cooper and I headed out to Lake Calhoun to enjoy the snow and watch the kite skiers. I was amazed at the way the snow had formed into dunes in some places, and barren ice terrain in others. It felt otherworldly, as if walking on the…
Doxie Lovefest
Saturday was the February Twin Cities Dachshund Lover’s Meetup, also known as the “Weinerdog Love Fest”. This once-a-month event for weenies and their human counterparts is always a good time (who wouldn’t be entertained by a room full of long-bodied short dogs running wild!) It’d been a while since Cooper had been to a meetup…
Cooper was bit by another dog yesterday while out for a walk. I was not there for the actual bite, but I still experienced the trauma of knowing someone I loved was hurt and there was almost nothing I could do about it. We took him to the emergency vet (we were so panicked that…
Snow Dog
This past weekend we had our first snowstorm of the season, and it was Cooper’s first snowstorm ever! He was a bit nervous at first but now he’s loving it. He’s chasing and eating snowballs and loving long walks on the trolley path. Who knew the Minnesota winter could be so fun?