Finding Beauty in the Sparseness
While I’ve seen many winters before, this year, as I’m taking pictures and spending more time really looking at winter, I’m struck by the sparseness. Everywhere the branches are bare, the lakes are frozen expanses of empty white snow, the walking and biking paths devoid of people. The is a lot of beauty in the…
Tapping into the Curious Soul
There are days when I just don’t feel creative. I feel like everything I shoot is the same, and I’ll never come up with a shot that’s fresh and new. But I’ve made a commitment, so I have to shoot something. Tuesday was one of those days. I let the day go by without taking…
New 365 Project Page
I’ve added a new page to the site for my 365 photography project so that you can follow along a little bit easier. The page can be found on the page bar above the header image. The photo thumbnails are arranged in a calendar format to make it a bit easier to see when each…
Why Do a Daily Photo Project?
I’m sure some of you are wondering why I would want to take a photo every day as a project. It seems a bit daunting and stressful. What’s really the upside if you take on the stress? Well, I will tell you. For me, there are a number of benefits. The first is that the…
The 2009 365 Project
If you follow me on flickr, then you probably know that I’ve been taking at least one photo every day since the middle of November and posting it on flickr. For 2009, I’ll be doing the same thing, but in a more organized fashion as a 365-day project. Each picture will have notes about the…