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  • Gridded A6-size Midori MD notebook inside a grey leather cover, open to a blank page with two rainbow-colored rope bookmarks down the center. A TWSBI Vac Mini fountain pen filled with Colorverse purple ink, named "Delicious Sleep," sits on top of the left-hand page.

    What I Learned (Or Relearned) About Writing in 2022

    I’m always learning new things, and I’m starting to believe one of the best ways to keep using what I’ve learned is to write it all down. Otherwise I’ll forget, and life will have to re-hammer that lesson home again when I most need it. In order to avoid a re-hammering, I drafted this list…

  • Diptych - two thirds show the inside of Taylor Swift's Midnights CD case, the lavender version of the CD, and the CD booklet's lyrics to Anti-Hero. The other third shows a cat looking out of a window at a snowy cedar tree, with part of a computer screen with the Scrivener writing app open. In the foreground is a mug of tea.

    On Writing Slow and Being My Own Anti-Hero

    You know those dish soap bottles that have that little seal under the lid? You forget it’s there and try to get some soap, and no matter how hard you squeeze, nothing comes out. Then you remember and unscrew the lid, and there’s the seal, with its little edge to pull up. But they’re always…

  • Rowan, a blue tabby and white cat, sleeps with his paws up in the air on a black and white herringbone couch-style cat bed. Behind him is a guitar and some records, with U2's Rattle and Hum facing out.

    My Word of the Year for 2023: Essential

    Last year, in a rush of frustration and unexpected clarity, I chose “No” as my word of the year. It turns out that was an excellent choice, and it helped me to shape my year into something both constructive and manageable. It’s amazing what we can accomplish by giving ourselves permission to NOT do the…

  • Six Polaroid-style photos held on a stainless steel fridge by magnets with artwork of cats on them. the photos show a bee gathering lavender pollen, a tabby and white cat on a blanket in front of a brick wall, a chpimunk eating a seed, a tri-color dachshund with his tongue out, a rabbit in a flower garden sniffing the flowers, and a black and white image of a man's feeding a treat to a dachshund.

    It’s Still 2020, Right?

    On New Year’s Eve in 2019, I announced I was back to blogging for 2020, then put up one post about doing a photo project and just … disappeared. I’m pretty sure you know exactly where I went––into my house, like everyone else, with my three weeks of food and other essentials to last out…