Guillermo del Toro: Pinocchio
Like probably a lot of people, my first exposure to Pinocchio was via Disney’s 1940 animated film. I watched it as a child and didn’t particularly care for it––even as a little girl I had a strong dislike for characters that made obviously poor decisions. I also remember it being terribly sad. So when I…
Fantastic Mr. Fox
I first saw the trailer for the Fantastic Mr. Fox in the theater in 2009. I fell in love with the look and feel of the animation, but when the movie actually released I was in the midst of preparing to move across the country. The story of Mr. Fox fell off my personal radar…
TRON: Legacy
I’m loving the look of the new Tron movie, Tron Legacy. The new film builds on the original and tells the story of Kevin Flynn’s son, who goes in search of his father 20 years after his disappearance. Here’s the official synopsis from Walt Disney Pictures via IMDB: Sam Flynn (Hedlund), a rebellious 27-year-old, is…
The Artwork of Camilla d’Errico
Camilla d’Errico is an artist from British Columbia whose work I’ve been following for a while now. She is a painter and comic book illustrator, and her work can be seen in comics such as Tanpopo, Sky Pirates of New Terra and Burn. Her paintings can been seen at one of her gallery shows, including…
Vincent Laforet: The Cabbie
Vincent Laforet created this video with a Canon 7D as the first chapter in a series for the Canon video contest “The Story Beyond the Still.” Laforet was given a still image to interpret, and this video is his interpretation of that image. The video ends with another still, which contestants for the second chapter…
Mathias Malzieu: The Boy with the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
This is the book trailer for The Boy with the Cuckoo-Clock Heart by Mathias Malzieu. I’ve seen links to book trailers before, and never thought much about them. I prefer to read the inside flap or reviews from other readers to decide if I want to read a book, and I don’t want to have…
Only Today Does the Fire Burn Brightly
Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow is wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly. -Old Inuit Proverb My copy of Widdershins arrived today. Widdershins, by Charles de Lint, is the sequel to The Onion Girl, which I read recently and loved. This quote was on the inside, next to the table of contents, and when I…
The PEN Story
This short, created by Olympus, tells the story of the Olympus PEN camera, which lives on in the new micro four-thirds digital camera, the Olympus EP-1. As you probably know, I’m a Canon girl, but I’m finding very hard to resist the pull of this cute little camera. The video above was created entirely with…
Christoph Rehage: The Longest Way
https://vimeo.com/4636202From November 2007 to November 2008, Christoph Rehage trekked across China, taking video as he went. But this was not your typical tourist video. Before he left he shaved his head and his face, and then recorded himself as he went along on his journey. The final edited project is an amazing time-lapse film showing…