A Writing Lesson from Photography on Surfacing Truth
When I make a photograph, it’s always a two-phase process. Phase one is making the image in the camera. This is usually a multi-step process, and may have quite a lot of steps depending on the type of photograph. If my subject is wildlife, I may plan a hike and travel to the location, or…
What I Learned (Or Relearned) About Writing in 2022
I’m always learning new things, and I’m starting to believe one of the best ways to keep using what I’ve learned is to write it all down. Otherwise I’ll forget, and life will have to re-hammer that lesson home again when I most need it. In order to avoid a re-hammering, I drafted this list…
On Writing Slow and Being My Own Anti-Hero
You know those dish soap bottles that have that little seal under the lid? You forget it’s there and try to get some soap, and no matter how hard you squeeze, nothing comes out. Then you remember and unscrew the lid, and there’s the seal, with its little edge to pull up. But they’re always…
Coming Out of the Writing Closet
I have a confession. It’s a deep, dark secret that I haven’t really talked about here before. I am writing a book. Yes, you heard me right. I’m just over 30,000 words into my first draft of a young adult novel about a girl who doesn’t know she’s a witch. Please don’t laugh too hard,…
100 Things
This is a stream-of-consciousness writing exercise from one of the books on writing that I am reading. I really enjoyed it, so I thought I’d share. Here are one hundred things I love, in no particular order: kitties purring hugs the sound of the ocean sun on my face sand in my toes finding the…
Finding Inspiration
I’ve been blogging now for about 18 months, but I still feel like a newbie. I’m still figuring out what it is I want to write about, to tell you about. Like with everything I do, I want to put my best foot forward and be the best blogger I can be. To help me…
Writing About Your Life
Title: Writing About Your Life Author: William Zinsser Publisher: Da Capo Press I picked up this book a few weeks ago to help me loosen up at the keyboard, to journal better, and to blog better. If you read this blog frequently you know I need all the help I can get! While Writing About…