Mathias Malzieu: The Boy with the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
This is the book trailer for The Boy with the Cuckoo-Clock Heart by Mathias Malzieu. I’ve seen links to book trailers before, and never thought much about them. I prefer to read the inside flap or reviews from other readers to decide if I want to read a book, and I don’t want to have…
Cheers to You and Yours
As not just a year but an entire decade comes to an end, there’s a certain feeling that one should look back on the last ten years and reflect on the highs, the lows and the changes. And while I have a lot of great memories with friends and family and I’ve grown immensely as…
Merry Christmas!!
On November 30 the movers came and packed and loaded all our belongings, and that evening we got on a plane and flew to Seattle, Washington. In the last 3 weeks we found a new apartment in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle, moved in and started unpacking. We’ve barely had time to breathe let…
Not Just a Tourist
If you’re one of the few people that actually read my site on a regular basis (Hi Mom!) you might have noticed that I’ve been a bit absent lately. We’ll it’s been for a very good reason – I’m moving to Seattle! My husband, Jim, has taken a fantastic new job and we’re moving at…
Happy Halloween!
Have a safe and happy All Hallows Eve!
Only Today Does the Fire Burn Brightly
Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow is wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly. -Old Inuit Proverb My copy of Widdershins arrived today. Widdershins, by Charles de Lint, is the sequel to The Onion Girl, which I read recently and loved. This quote was on the inside, next to the table of contents, and when I…
Let It Snow!
Yesterday morning it snowed, the first snowfall of the year. The temperatures plunged below zero, and in one night some trees dropped all their leaves in a panicked attempt to keep up with the temperature change. It was amazing to see the blankets of green leaves covering the grass and snow and gathering in the…
The PEN Story
This short, created by Olympus, tells the story of the Olympus PEN camera, which lives on in the new micro four-thirds digital camera, the Olympus EP-1. As you probably know, I’m a Canon girl, but I’m finding very hard to resist the pull of this cute little camera. The video above was created entirely with…
Dan Chung: Another Night in Beijing phenomenal video was shot entirely with a brand new Canon 7D by filmmaker Dan Chung, just hours after he purchased the camera at a local retailer in Beijing. Chung used some top notch L lenses and a professional video setup to make the film, but because of the low light most of the video…