Another Year Older
On Sunday I turned 33. I’m getting to the age where birthdays start to seem bittersweet – it’s great to celebrate another year of life, but at the same time I know my years are limited. I realize I don’t know how many years I’ll get, but I know it’s not all that likely to…
Tomato Travels, or Where’d You Get That Cow?
A few weeks ago I read this New York Times article about major brands marketing their foods as local to the area where they are either grown or processed, and it got me thinking about what shopping and eating “local” means to me. If I shop at Target, which is headquartered here in Minneapolis, is…
So, So Sweet!
There’s something about warm weather that makes me crave sweets. I’ve gotten a little out of control lately, having dessert after lunch and dinner and taking afternoon trips to the local bakeries for fudge brownies and lemon squares, so I’ll be abstaining for a while to break the habit. But of course that doesn’t mean…
Sunrays and Saturdays
I wish you Sunrays and Saturdays Perfect starry nights Sweet dreams and moonbeams And a love that’s warm and bright Sunrays and Saturdays Friendship strong and true Oceans of blue and a room with a view To live the life you choose -“Sunrays and Saturdays” by Vertical Horizon
The Magic Hour
There’s about an hour in the morning just after sunrise and an hour in evening just before sunset where the sunlight is especially golden. This is the golden hour, or as I prefer, magic hour. Here in Minnesota we really only get it in the spring, summer and autumn – while we do get it…
100 Things
This is a stream-of-consciousness writing exercise from one of the books on writing that I am reading. I really enjoyed it, so I thought I’d share. Here are one hundred things I love, in no particular order: kitties purring hugs the sound of the ocean sun on my face sand in my toes finding the…
Slowing Down
I started this week off with a case of, well, frankly, I don’t know what it was. A virus of some sort, the kind that gives you a nasty headache, vertigo, nausea and exhaustion. It forced me to slow down, and this slowing down let me tap into my creativity a bit more. I ultimately…
Loving the Rain
When I was little I loved the rain. I loved how dark the sky would get during a thunderstorm, and the way lightning would cut across the evening sky. I loved the rumbling of thunder as I fell asleep at night. Even in college I loved the rain. We used to wear rain jackets with…