Hello 2012, or What I Was Up To In 2011

Hello, internet, I’ve missed you.

Last winter I started off the year with the belief that I was going to blog regularly.  I thought that if I expanded my blog topics to include, well, everything, that I’d never run out of things to blog about.  What I didn’t realize was that it wasn’t a shortage of topics that was keeping me from blogging – it was a shortage of time and desire to blog.  That said, I’ve really missed having a place to talk about all the new and great things that have been going on in my life.  So, without further ado…

In 2011, I:

  • Turned 35 years old
  • Finished first drafts on not one but two(!) novels
  • Bought a house with my husband – our first!
  • Moved to West Seattle
  • Went to my first (and second) writing conference
  • Went on my first writing retreat

So it was a pretty big year of firsts for me.  Most of my summer and fall were spent house shopping and making the new house a home.  Now we’re all moved in and I’m thrilled we won’t have to move again if we don’t want to.  I love the new house!  It’s little but it’s really cute and is perfect for us.

I have named 2012 as “The Year of Making Things Happen.”  One of the things I hope to make happen this year is this blog.  Another is my photography – I’ve got a lot of unprocessed photos that I’ve started to clean up, so look for those in my flickr feed soon.  I’ve also been doing a lot of cooking and baking, so I’ll be posting recipes and such here also.  As for the rest of my time, I’ve got two novels to revise and prepare for submissions to agents, so it’s going to be a busy year for me.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.